Mahatma Gandhi
Just this past Friday, just a day ago Peter passed away after battling a number of years of cancer. He was an incredible family man with 3 children and a devoted wife. He was a chiropractor and lived a very health life. Peter loved life, loved his family and loved Jesus. His wife saw him take his final breath and go be with the Lord.
Noelle, my precious friend, is still battling breast cancer. Hers has spread to her brain and lungs. But let me tell you, she’s still fighting, still trying to live life to the fullest. Noelle has her head on and is in a good place. I am going to take her shoes out on that course again with me. If she can go thru chemo then I can walk 60 miles.
I know all of you know someone who’s battling cancer, lost their life to cancer. I know you know a family that’s been affect by the “C” word. Everyone knows someone from somewhere who’s fighting it, going thru treatment for it, in remission, or has passed away.
We all talk about cancer and want it to go away. We want it to stay away from our children, our families. But “it” continues to hit us where we are most vulnerable. It gives us bad dreams. It rips families apart, takes away dreams. You know what I’m talking about.
But I ask you, what are you doing about it?....
The only way cancer is going to go away is with research and thru that the doctors will find a cure. Some of us fund raise to help with research then we train for a marathon or go even longer and do triathlons, and breast cancer 3day walks. Miles upon miles, fund raisers and letter writing.
Then there are some who sit back and say “I wish I could do something to help but…..”
I ask you again… “What are YOU going to do to help find a cure for cancer?”
I know you want to be a part of the cure. I know that one day when they announce that there’s a cure for cancer that you want to say to yourself “I helped find a cure for cancer. I helped make a difference!”....
I’m telling you now for those of us trying to raise money so we can do our race, walk or whatever, WE NEED YOU. We need you to donate to our cause, if you can’t do that then come to our fund raisers, or get us donors, or get your family to come to our events, or help us when we ask for help to do something that will help us raise money. Even come and keep us company while we're putting in our miles.
I know the economy is bad. I know that life is tough. But it’s tougher with cancer. Cancer does not care about our economy. But together we can still fight this. We can't leave this for our children to do. We have got to set the example. You can't preach at your children to reach out if you don't do it yourself. They are watching us.
So please on bended knee I come to you. When someone is trying to go and fight cancer, reach your hand out and help. It’s your daughter, mother, husband, parent we are willing to invest ourselves in trying to raise awareness and research money for. We’ve come to the conclusion we want to fight this ugly beast. But we need your help. I’m ready to do my part to make a difference. How about you? Don't just sit on the sidelines about this.
This holds true with anything we are facing... politics, employment, life. You first have to want to make a difference before change is going to even start.
Remember what Gandhi said... “YOU must be the change you see in the world.”....